Wednesday, March 23, 2011

i'm at work
i work 10 -11 hour days usually

music and handstands keep me sane.


Friday, March 18, 2011

With in the last two weeks I will have moved three times.

Rexburg Idaho to Provo Utah 
then from Provo to North Salt lake

Now I'm agoin' to Jackson.

"Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson,
Look out Jackson town."

Johnny Cash couldn't have said it any better.

oh the changes life brings. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

" The key to to let go of fear." -Rosanne Cash

"Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing"

"Every man is afraid of something, that's how you know he's in love with you ..When he is afraid to loose you."

"Always do what you are afraid to do."

"Sometimes God Calms the storm, sometimes he calms the sailor, other times he may let us swim."

I think i may be afraid. but faith has carried me. and i must not let it drop me.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

 Last Night Mr. David took me on a date. It was lovely. I had the best sushi I have EVER had in my life! Oh it was so divine. I highly recommend the pineapple grill. Its superb. We went to the battle of the dance to...oh my stars this one fella did a dance to a mix of the one and only Micheal Jackson and he danced just like Mister was jaw dropping to say the least. Everything else was just not as impressive after his performance. But it was all great. And I had the most wonderful time. We also went and looked at paintings and drawings in the Spori..some of the art there is just breathe taking. And to think my fellow peers painted and drew those pictures. Makes me feel kinda spiffy. David has taken me on so many dates and they've all been so so wonderful. He's a chivalrous gentlemen. I'm lucky to call him my darling.

Life just gave me the most sour batch of lemons..
I think I've ever had. 
Well..I just think I'll make lemonade. 
And smile while i do it.


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