Let's talk about being real for a second. Let's talk about being who we truly are all the time, Let's talk about being ourselves for ourselves, and not being someone else for someone else. My name is Nicole Laree Roberts. My name is Cola. My name is Colie. My name is Cole. I am 19 years old. I don't really like school..well the required portions. I wish that i could only take classes that I want, that benefit what I want to do with my life. I am quiet a lot of the time, but when you get to know me I will talk your ear off. I'm shy, I won't usually be the one to come up and start a conversation. I can be content being by myself and enjoying me. I need my friends though, they mean the world to me..and my family. I'm not perfect. I don't always follow the rules, i don't always meet expectations, and sometimes I even screw up..sounds human right? what we all are? Sometimes i don't manage my money very well, other times i can just save and save and budget like crazy. I love my Hamburgers and fries. End of story. I don't try to live for anyone else, I live for myself and for my God who knows me perfectly. I'm known to not follow advice sometimes and try things out my own way. I am addicted to music, but i also love the sound of silence..I love meditation and going to musical performances. I hate not having a lover, I love to be loved. I love to love. I love to have someone there..and saying goodbye to people is the hardest thing for me..ever. I've been depressed before, I've gone through abuse and I am currently going to therapy. Call me crazy or call me sane. I live for joy, the true and ever lasting kind. Religion gives me a sense of progression and purpose and a feeling of peace and joy that I can't seem to find anywhere else. I've had times where I threw religion away only to find myself searching for it again. I believe in love. A God like love that doesn't exclude anyone. Even if they are not like me. Even if they are gay. or Lesbian or look different. or have no religion. or have a different religion. Even if they have a mo hawk 5 feet tall and and piercings everywhere.. Even if our standards or beliefs are different. if we come from different walks of life. I believe in the kind of love that has no boundaries or limitations. I like caramel macchiato's and peppermint mochas. I like dancing. And listening to rap music. I also like classical music, and indie, and pop and rock. I love clothes, sometimes i spend to much on them. I didn't think i was beautiful without makeup until I had perfect skin. So i went to a dermatologist. I thought i was flabby in my bum, so i bought a gym pass. I haven't always loved myself. Now i think that my life, my existence, was the greatest gift that God has ever given me. I love my life and myself, I'm not sure what i'll end up doing or where i'll end up going. But i'm going. And life is moving on. Sometimes I cry, sometimes i don't like to admit I'm wrong. I've hurt people before..only to find I hurt to..and then I quickly try to seek forgiveness and right the wrong. I've been hurt by those closest to me. I find myself singing all the time..even in the shower. I've tried to fit my life to other peoples lives before..only to find that it wasn't who i was. I have no labels i have no category to fit into. I broke the boundaries and i live outside of labels and category's. I love my little sisters more than life itself. We are the best of friends. I admire my brother David who is so..good! and My brother Ryan who is so talented. I have either loved or learned from every single experience in my life and not one was wasteful. I think men who play guitars are sexy. I've always had a wish that i could just know every person in the world.. I want to see the world. I'm spontaneous. And i rarely follow plans. I can't keep a surprise a secret for more than a day. I like yoga and I like exercising. I want to get married. I don't want to wait either. Where are you Future husband? I want kids, and i want them to know I''m not perfect and that i try my best and i love them with everything that i am. Here i am guys, Here is the not perfect wonderful me, Here is my beautiful description of me..I want you to make a not perfect beautiful description of you.
Where is the joy in following the mold.
Where is the beauty in being someone else.
Why try to embrace someone you aren't rather then embrace who you are.
Let's all try this thing where we are real with ourselves and others.
Let's live for ourselves and for no one else. and not let what people think dictate our lives.
Let's. All. Be. Real.
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