Saturday, December 18, 2010


Hello 84604!!!!!
I am home fro the holidays
so unbelievably happy.
really i can't even contain it.

The bus ride was unbearably exciting..not
but hey it got me home.
a nice African man drove me home
and helped me carry my luggage
and helped me put it into my Daddy's truck.
i get attacked my miss natters 
and play with her for a couple hours
video games whip cream and just talking
Then my mama came home and i tackled her onto her bed
in the biggest hug i think she's ever gotten
Then miss Sarah who was supposed to be in Idaho came and surprised me.
"what the heck??"
biggest best friend hug imaginable.
We talked and cried 
and just loved being in each others company
Ryan and Lu got very big hugs as well.
My home is just like Christmas
and i love it
Hannah and i caught up on life
and well
to be honest

so smile.

P.S. i almost cried when i saw my Utah mountains.
thank you Matisyahu, Bob Marley, Bob McFerrin for getting me through such a boring bus ride home.
Except when i got to talk to Cassi..that was Grand


  1. HONEY YOU'RE HOME! Ah so excited! I love you!! And your playlist has been picking some exceptionally good songs for me today. So thanks for that :)

  2. oh my goodness!! i miss you so much!!! i love you!

  3. Welcome home!! There's nothing like being home for the holidays :)

  4. "and just loved being in each others company"

  5. Seriously! For some reason everything always piece of clothing always looks better in gray or black ;)


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