Thursday, July 29, 2010

Life is so fragile and it's so important to live life how you know you would want to live it.
Every moment can matter and if you make it matter your life will overflow with meaning and purpose.
Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away. 
Be the person you want to be and don't let the little things get in your way, 

the instant satisfaction isn't worth it. the long term things the long term satisfaction
that comes from your heart and your soul and your dreams and the the things you want
to go after. Work towards the things that are your dreams.

Be yourself and love it. Love every second in the skin your in. Love every second of who you 
are. In the end you will have just you, the things that "define" you such as hobbies, talents, and assets..
They aren't you. Love and compassion and the relationships you build and the good you share in the world, the things you give, the selfless loving acts, those are the things that truly define you. Emotion and feeling are the things that breath life into our lives. 

We all have an abundance of good we can give, so give. 

Life is to short for worries and to live in fear. Live in contentment and learn to love where you are in life even if it isn't the place you imagined you'd be.

There is optimism in all things--just open your eyes and you will see.
The world will come alive in a way that will take your breath away.
Optimism brings peace and vibrance into a once dull and scared world.

1 comment:

  1. "like" (i just hit the like button)
    also what we talked about that night


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