Friday, July 23, 2010

Oh, I forgot :)

i decided tonight i want to start a song journal. Because everyday i always have a song or two that i relate to esspecially well. and so i thought that everyday i will tell the song of that day and describe how it relates to my day :)

Today: July 23 2010-Say what you need to say, John Mayer, Gravity Sarah Bareilles, & Deep city lights.

Say what you need to say is just beautiful because sometimes i bottle things up and i am not myself, but it feels wondeful to let things out and say what your feeling

Gravity because Of paul..This one is a bit tougher to i don't think i will.

And deep city lights because of the title mostly-I was on my roof today looking at deep city lights and it was beautiful

1 comment:

  1. I may or may not have to steal this idea. Also Gravity is probably the best song ever, but it makes me sad every time I listen to it! Still, I approve. Love,
    Your eskimo sister


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