Thursday, July 29, 2010

Last night Sar and i slept on my roof and discussed Yoga,life, theories, opinions, and being the kind of person you want to be most.

We watched the lightening come over the mountains and we enjoyed how beautiful our world is.

I played what little i could on my guitar and we fell asleep under the stars, contemplating the many things that life holds. And the many things that life has already brought.

Today i went country dancing with my buddies, it was a blast and i think having fun and dancing can be the best medicine for most things. We also roasted smores and talked. And got to know eachother a little better. I think the best thing is to get to know people and learn about them, I think my life is so great.

Life is such a wonderful thing.
Never let worries get you down

Worries are nothing but negative nothings that float around and do no good in life.
I believe there will never be a purpose for negative thought.


  1. that was a good night. i like the products of our conversations :)


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