Saturday, March 13, 2010


Today- my hands helped me hike up a mountain
They helped me make breakfast && lift
my little sister into the car.
My hands worked hard at work
today && helped me help about a
dozen or more people.

In the Past- My hands have hit.
They have refused to help
when help was needed && have pushed
People down. They have been used
to cause destruction and hurt others.

**I've never thought about my hands much until--
today. When i was climbing up a mountain. The thought
occured to me that if it didn't have my hands,, climbing
this HUGE mountain would be simply immposible.
I then realized how thankful i am that i have hands.
they do so much for me. so THANK YOU hands! I'd look so silly
without my hands to, and there are people who don't have
hands so i'm so grateful i have them.

I have used my hands for awful things in the past..
not good--not ok
So i want to make a true effort
from now on.
to use my hands for good. That's
what my hands are best at.
MY HANDS: are good at a billion and one things

I am going to use them for those billion and one things..
that they are good at. ALWAYS

I am grateful. That I. Have hands.


  1. Hi!
    Come check out my blog:
    awesome post! so often we take things for granted!

  2. i hikeded that mountain with you. and if i didn't have hands... i would'nt have been able to hold on to you when i thought i'd fall off the cliff. pluss mexicans can't cook burritos without hands. :)


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