Friday, March 26, 2010

My best friend

(FYI William Hilliam wrote this one..if you couldn't tell..haha)

Hello everyone, I'm just at school with my best friend in the whole wide world! His name is Will Hill... he's cute, and handsome, and rugged, and handsome, and handsome. Did I mention he was handsome? He is, and brown (at times). We just decided to skip class and sit on our butts in the library to 'blog' about things. Blogging is fun.. probably the funnerest thing I ever did do. He is handsome. Also.. ummm... that's it actually...

-OH! He wants to tell everyone hi so... HI (from will) ok.. bye..

1 comment:

  1. One will you a total dork two Nicole I love you!!! And three this picture is rather interesting.... Haha Nicole doesn't look like Nicole and will your nostrills are HUGE like a black man wanna be!!! Haha


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