Sunday, April 11, 2010

**Morning HIke Up rock Canyon**

So sadly we didn't get any pictures of this wonderful hike we went on, so i will describe it to you.

The next morning lya and i woke up and decided to take a hike up rock canyon.
It was about eight in the morning, and it wasn't too warm or terribly cold.
We hiked up a trail and as we got into the canyon, snow began to appear on the trail.
Epic. I lead the way and lya held onto my jacket for dear life. She was scared she would slip and fall to her death. But i being heroic and brave didn't let that happen and let the way. It was overcast outside and a slight breeze was blowing. There was a blanket of fog slowly moving through the was so beautiful. Then it started to rain, just a slight drizzle. It was perfect. It was so peaceful and calm in the canyon. Lya and i hiked up to this cave and sat inside and watched the rain drizzle and the fog move. Fact? i think fog is the most beautiful thing. It is so peaceful and it demands to attention of people. That may not make sense to you, but i know what i mean. We had such a good talk about love and guys we like or have liked, yes we may possibly be hopeless romantics :]

Well all in all it was a lovely hike up into a dreary majestic canyon. Here is a picture of the canyon on a sunny day. so here's a challenge use your imagination. and imagine a drizzle of rain, a gray lonely sky and fog dancing through the canyon.

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