today was a good day
i spent the night with sar bear
Saturday night...
and it was sooo good.
here is the extent of it.
she came and got me
we went back to her house
went down to her room
got in her bed
and talked. about things
about life and such.
we both cried a bit.
but talked a lot.
i hugged her and scratched
her back and stuff.
and i loved being there.
i seriously was so happy
i could be there for her.
and that sarah and i are great friends
its a good feeling, knowing you
have a great friend. so thanks sarah,
for being that great friend :)
and then at a little before nine we turned out
the lights and layed there. talking. but slightly
starting to fall asleep. by the time eleven
came around we both were out. and it
was a great sleep over. i was happy to be there.
and happy to talk to sar bear. then..
at six in the morning her alarm goes off..
eff...i am hoping she'll get up to turn it off
i look over and her mouth is hanging open
and she was dead asleep. so i got up and hit the off
button. only to find out...five minutes later it was the snooze.
got up and unplugged the alarm. only to find out five minutes
later...its battery powered to.. so then i finally found the "real"
off button and got some decent sleep, until an hour later,
my alarm goes off
i get up and put on
a lovely dress that made
me feel like spring.
white with blue flowers.
my parents got it for me.
and i love it.
then i woke sarah up and
she took me to my church.
on the way we attempted to
call mike and sing happy
birthday to him but the ring
more so sounded like this.
la la la pffchhhkblahhh la la
hello? laaaaa shhhmmmkkkk
sarah and i were confused.
then we here a: hey sexy.
so we start singing happy birthday
only to her the pffchhhkkklaa again.
so that failed. then i ran into the church building
and a lady talked about temples
then a dude talked about priesthood.
then the choir sung....and i slept on lu's shoulder.
bad i know...but hey! i was still listening :)
then after sacrament launa came and sat by me and lu.
we decided to adopt her as our temporary sister cuz
her sissy is at byu.. then during class launa and i decided
for the 4957497564649 time we need to start bringing food.
well see how that goes haha...then off to relief society!
(every fourth sunday we go to relief society)
and launa kp and i had a contest to see who could
suck on a smarty longest...launa lost kp won. it was epic :)
we then had the best lesson about prayer
i learned:
- sometimes our prayers aren't answered when we think we need them answered
- sometimes we dont always get a burning feeling or a definite no.
- sometimes God doesn't answer us on the most important things because he trusts we'll make the right decision and it will be ok.
- God isn't going to leave us hanging, if we TRULY want to know something and are sincere, persistent and humble and listen for an answer and do all we can to be able to hear, we will hear eventually.
- prayer will always be there for us to talk to God and he'll always listen.
then the nap worked out but the homework didnt. I talked with my mama about personal progress and played with kittens to. I then got a text from Marianne and i went over to go see her and the fam and giver her her birthday present (A cd with good piano/guitar music and chocolate) that was a month and a billion days late. but im glad i finally got it to her :) and we got to talk about life and paul and such. it was so good for me. i was so happy to be able to just talk. and admit that i want to fast forward life, and be done with school, how i want to go to senior ball so i can have my pretty night but i know that i probably won't be going...and that im having a hard time getting work done, and that i am so unsure about what i want to do..things like that..and paul of course. and i got to see pauls favorite little cousins he talks to me about all the time! they're very cute. Anyways. Marianne and i talked about how burnt out i am to..that one brought some tears. We talked about paul a lot and just P.S. i am so happy i got to talk about paul because everyone else is soooo sick of me talking about him! So i'm glad i can talk to Marianne about him. it's happy-making. it was a good hour and a half or more of talking. Then i drove home and helped with dinner, cleaned the kitchen and went downstairs and prayed to have help with getting some work done, and guess what i did. Not a lot, but some. and thats a start :)
now here i am..up at one in the morning bloggin about my day, and i still have so much i want to talk about. I need to talk about friday: sarah and i had a great sleep over, so fun! (she already blogged about it) and i want to talk about how on monday sarah and i skipped eigth and went to a park and sat on some rocks the were in the provo river and how sarah peed in the river...epic and little kids were around that we didnt see..hahaha. and how we talked and tried to do a bit o' yoga in the grass that was so soft and plush and GREEN! how it was so sunny out and how beautiful it was. how relaxing it was. I wanna talk about how i got sick for two days...i need to blog about morp about hot tubbing and so much more..but now its one officially...andi NEED sleep. i love the world though. and i am happy. Goodnight world sleep tight. oh! one more thing: whenever i miss paul and i see the moon, i realize we're not that far away from eachother at all. he's looking at that same's kind of a comforting fact. ok world
now i go to bed..sleep tight and sweet dreams :)
P.S. I love my blog music.
P.S.S. I love how paul writes his P.S.'s in my letters..then puts a P.P.S. instead of P.S.S :) i laugh everytime. i love it.
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