Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm gonna miss sarah with all my heart..
she's my very best friend.

forever and ever

Friday, August 27, 2010

To my future husband (things you should know) : )

  1. i love adventures..
  2. when i like a song i play it over and over until my mind is satisfied.
  3. i always need a steady supply of juice in the house.
  4. back scratches are a must..i'm addicted to them.
  5. i love the little things like sweet kisses, or little notes, holding hands :)
  6. i love to dance in the rain..so you might have to come dance in the rain with me
  7. i love going on outside walks at night.
  8. i love looking at the stars
  9. i think it would be the most wonderful thing if you could play the guitar..
  10. i love the sound of the guitar 
  11. i want a sunflower kitchen..and i want a garden.
  12. a soft yellow home with blue shutters and sunflowers growing in the front. a white picket fence.
  13. i want a horse and a boat and a motorcycle
  14. i love going to the park.
  15. i can cook so don't be scared
  16. i may or may not need a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen when i'm having a hard time.
  17. i adore kids..and want lots
  18. church is a must..no exceptions..
  19. complete and total honesty in all things is required. 
  20. i want my kids to have a daddy who is there for his kids 100% of the time. 
  21. family is number one :)
  22. please be optimistic
  23. and i hope you'll want to have adventures with me, and want to dance with me, and watch the city lights with me..
  24. be a go getter. a doer 
  25. education is a must as well.
  26. you need to want to have fun and lots of it.
  27. please be sweet and caring in all situations.
  28. don't get angry..i hate tempers..they are worthless and terrible.
  29. love my family
  30. and lastly? love me forever till the end of time, even when we're old and gray. never stop being sweet never stop the kisses or the back scratches or holding my hand..
let's be so in love it couldn't ever possibly fade.
lets be like the couple in Up
always in love till forever and beyond.

Ps..In my wedding ring..i want you to engrave something on the inside of the band..
something sweet and true and lovely.
something you would say to me
that would mean everything
thats all


Oh gosh it's coming up.
In one week exactly i will be moving to Idaho.
And to tell the truth I'm scared out of my  mind...
Really i am. 

I feel like..i should be super super excited.
I mean it's college right?
yay college! freedom! On your own!
yatta yatta yatta...blah blah blah.

I love where i am right now! I love being with my family and my best friends.
I love having them so close. Its very comforting.
I think..i'm still to young to be on my own.
It's nerve racking!

I may or may not have cried a bunch yesterday 
just because i don't want to go.

But chin up nicole! 
it will be fun and i know i will love it..
eventually :)

Just like when i moved to Utah.
I am gonna just jump right into my new adventure.
even though i;m so scared.

It will be ok.
no worries

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Education Week.

education week
soooo goood!
August 16-20
Learned so much and loved every second of it.

William and I went every morning at 8 and got done at twelve,
and usually went out to lunch after.

I learned how to write a personal narrative
about the prophet Joseph Smith
more insight into the whole "beyond the veil"
A lot about learning to be positive and how to laugh
Learning to look towards the lord in all things
All about how prayer works.

It was a good week.
Thanks for inviting me William 


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am so happy..
I am listening to the thunder..
And listening to Rosi Golan.
Life is VERY complete.

This education week has been absolutely amazing..
I love it and i am learning so much.
And it's been so good.

Yesterday Alecc, Brett & I played nindento 64.
It was epic :)
Kinda like a blast from the past.
I am so in love with life
thats its just crazy.

Monday, August 16, 2010

ahhhh :)

Life is so great.
And i am so happy.
Sometimes..i feel like a don't know what the crap i'm doing.
But life keeps going and things are good & ok.
No worries.

hannah is back! 
I missed her..
my room felt empty!

William and I are doing education week all this week and I'm so excited! 
Lots of church classes.
Exactly what i need.

I am happy :)
Life is good 
And I'm trying my best not to worry about a thing

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I'm finally done with college registration.
This semester..because i am applying to the nursing program next semester,
Is going to be very challenging.

All hard classes.
19 credits.

I can do it..and i have to, with straight A's
P.S. Registration has been a pain in me arse..

Saturday, August 14, 2010

and i am so thankful for my private blog.
Sometimes..I wish i could rewind time. Thats all..

Family Reunion

Yesterday we went to our Fuller family reunion.
For my family this was the first time we've ever gotten to go
Because we've been in Missouri every time its happened
It was so good to go.
Great Aunt Lou gene talked about My great grandma and grandpa Fuller
And told us stories about them and about growing up as their kids.
I know I've said this before, but its amazing what can happen
just because two people fall in love.

We played this way fun game with this HUGE piece of spandex
It was sooo awesome
We played volley ball and I got to know a lot of people I didn't even know.
I have thee coolest family.

Some of us cousins made pyramids :)
And had a party

This one kinda failed

We did it! Finally!

Girls on bottom!

Little girls pyramid

On that first pyramid picture..it took  like ten billion tries
but we finally got it :)

Here is my family with Grandma & Grandpa 
Fuller and Great Aunt Lou Gene.

Natalie wet her pants. Poor child,
There for some reason was no bathroom a where we were
We tried to make a giant sling shot..but it didn't work to well.
Melissa has a cousin crush on our second cousin John
(he's not blood related)

Cousin Randy reminds me of paul..or more so what he may look like in 30 years haha
Trucker hat, camo shirt, big belt buckle, and a full on beard and mustache thats incredibly long.

I love family..they will always be there for you no matter what..
In Illinios we had a place called Fuller Fellowship Hall
And any Fuller is welcome there. 

Family joke haha Are you full?? We're all full!! We're fullers!

Boating Again :)

On Thursday my family went boating.
And it was grand. :)
Bronwen came to.
And it was a party.

The day before we tried to do a boating trip
but our boat died..
because our mechanic forgot to put in a part when he was
rebuilding the carb.
Well we got it fixed!
So we went boating the next day.

Here's some pics

Our tube is huge..

Bronwen & I

Bronwens cool henna toes

On the tube!

Almost falling off..but i didn't :)

Natalie joined us :)

Tube master!

My mama skiin

My papi

Pirate ship!

We feed ducks and stuff 

I just really like this picture..I think it looks great

My sister we found out is a seductive mermaid
Bronwen slightly sounds like an old lady on the tube.
Natalie is just hyper all the time.
I got sun burned
Bronwen & I had one wipe out that was great
We got lots of air and it threw me forward over the tube
and i was stradling the tube for a bit..that was interesting haha
My grnadparents came to
It was a fun day

When we got home we went to DI and found some gems
"This one has embellishments..it says..rawr"

Love the way you lie

Apricots Apricots Apricots

We have two lovely apricot trees in our backyard.
And if you can imagine
We have apricots coming out of our ears.

So everyday for the past week
We've been drying them
canning them
and making jam.

No More Mohawk

Well..William chopped off his Mo hawk..
Tragic actually.
I love Mo Hawks.
I got some pictures of it though before he killed it.

Dang..well..I didn't get an after picture.
but basically his hair is just all short.
and it's mo hawk-less.

Some things that went down while William shaved his head (and before) and all.

Playing with Mr. Issac

Asher & his silver surfer in the box..He thought it was funny
to hide and play in the box.

Then he said it'd be ok if Isaac played in the box with him.

Emma, Asher, Isaac & I went to get Natalie from her 
little boyfriends house. When Asher saw her he goes up to her
and says "you should just hold my hand"

So she did
And they held hands all the way back to Willy's house/

Then Natalie and I left for salt lake.

Other tid bits.

Emma is violent with pool noodles
and so is Asher
Isaac eats everything. Including the pool noodle.
Emma and I had a lovely chat, while looking at pictures
William sprayed Asher with the water gun, and Issac..and me.
Emma showed me the burrito song..
William got super annoyed and unplugged the speakers.
That turd.

Anyhow..thats about it. Williams lovely hair is gone.
Oh well, it still looks fine, just not as good.
But hey, he needs to get it mission ready.
so its all good 

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I watched you sleeping quietly in my bed
You don't know this now but there's some things that need to be said
And it's all that I can hear, It's more than I can bare

What if I fall and hurt myself?
Would you know how to fix me
What if I went and lost myself?
Would you know where to find me
If I forgot who I am,
Would you please remind me oh?
Cause without you things go hazy

I watched you sleeping quietly in my bed
You don't know this now but there's some things that need to be said
And it's all that I can hear, It's more than I can bare

What if I fall and hurt myself?
Would you know how to fix me
What if I went and lost myself?
Would you know where to find me
If I forgot who I am,
Would you please remind me oh?
Cause without you things go hazy

What if I fall and hurt myself?
Would you know how to fix me
What if I went and lost myself?
Would you know where to find me
If I forgot who I am,
Would you please remind me oh?
Cause without you things go hazy
This song gets it's own page in my song journal.
It's special.
And this one part in the song..
reminds me of a good friend of mine.
Who is amazing.
And i just love their guts to death.
So so much. 

If I forgot who I am,
Would you please remind me oh?
That part of the song. Reminds me of my dear friend.
Sometimes i forget who i am. 
I get confused and a little lost.
But this good friend of mine
always pulls me back.
And I am thankful for that.
So thank you dear friend of mine.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Last night for FHE we all went for a walk and played risk..
So fun. My family is crazy.
Natalie..would not stop
farting..she thought it was hilarious
Hannah was determined to kick butt in risk
And my dad was just on one.
We are all so goofy.
and i love it 

(I especially love writing in center alignment..i think it looks great)


Well..Saturday wasn't too exciting.
I worked with Kayla and Mal and Sam
and It was so fun.
I love those girls
I don't like the fact that pay and hours are crap
but the people i work with are gems.
Alecc, Brett, and Brennon
came to visit and got cheese fries.
Then when we got off.
Country dancing was on the menu
but my dearest father made me clean up somewhat first..
And by the time i was done
i went and got Sar but didn't really feel like
country dancing.

Every time i go to that place I can't
help but think of Paul.

Sar & I ended up on my roof
Talking, and just watching stars.
We saw so many shooting stars 
and made wishes on every one.

We both fell asleep
on the roof
but came inside in the middle of the night
because it was sooooo cold.
My feet fell of because they were so cold.
(Alecc's fault)

I was just thinking..and I have a pretty great life and I'm glad I'm in it.


Friday was a little bit crazy.
It started out so good,
but ended up being a really long day.

Hannah and I went to go see Charlie St. Cloud
Which i highly recommend 
Especially if you want to cry.
Zac Efron is now on my good list. 

Then we went out to dinner at the happy sumo
and talked about so so many things.
Just a lovely chat
And ate yummy sushi.

It was so so fun! 

Then a little while after i got home,
I was doing some meditation
on my roof. and listening to some music
and just thinking,

Then Alecc calls to invite me to hang out
with him and Brett and those kids.
We finally decided to go swimming
But I blew them off..

When Hannah dear came onto he roof.
And wasn't doing so hot.
So we talked and we both cried a bit
And decided that Sub Zero Ice Cream might do the trick.
So we went for ice cream
And were feeling much better 
Singing at the top of our lungs
And havin a party

Then Hannah decided to move in with us early
And we were on this ice cream high
and moved her stuff to her car. We were just 
about to leave when we realized her keys were missing.
It was not fun.

We unpacked the car. looked everywhere
repacked it.
unpacked it.
repacked it.
Found nothing.
We searched from 10pm-2am

So we gave up both of us very flustered and frustrated.
And began walking home when this guy from her ward pulled up
And told us that there was no way he was gonna let us walk.
We told him the situation.
And he decided we should call a lock smith
Because we locked the car up and accidentally left the light on.
So back to the car we went.

Searched again for keys and found nothing.
Then this guy, another guy, and Hannah's roomie
Decided to help us move everything to my house.
So we got Hannah moved in around 2:45am
And then crashed at three.

The next morning we found her keys :)
And decided maybe its ok that we didn't find the keys right away
because it showed us that people care.

All In all I love having Hannah back
I missed her.
She's my big sister.


On Monday I decided I was going to throw 
my dearest brother Ryan a surprise birthday party .
He was not to satisfied with how his birthday went..
so I thought i'd make it better :) 
And thanks to Miquette, we pulled it off. 

And William sort of. He kept me company while I did all the shopping
And he came over after the party for a bit. 
He's a good friend
I might just keep him around :)

I sadly didn't get a picture of the decorations..before they got destroyed.
But they were spectacular.
Just imagine 32 Helium balloons 
& 22 blown up balloons
Just covering the basement.
And streamers from corner to corner of the ceiling.
And hanging from the door way. 
It was amazing and I am super proud of myself for pulling it off.

Natalie is of course by all the goodies

Sir Cullen..he wouldn't play keys.

Playing keys..pretty tangled up. haha

It was a mad dash back to our spots..Aleasha lost..

Holding the keys..and?


Mad dash to the our seats :)

Then we switched..and played werewolf instead.
Colby was a crazy narrator.

It turned out way good.
And it was super fun.
Cleaning up? not so much.
but it was worth it 

Monday, August 9, 2010


Wednesday..was so spectacular in every way.
There was a REAL rainstorm.
Thunder, lightening, rain
everything :)
I was so happy I almost peed.
I don't think anyone really gets how much i love the rain.
I was on my roof just dancing in the rain.
Watching the lightening
Listening to the booming thunder.
I was so happy.
I probably looked like an insane person.
Dancing laughing and smiling just getting drenched my the rain.
Words can't even describe..

I love the rain so much.

When the storm did finally let up
my buddies came over
and we made s'mores.
It was so fun.

Just an amazing night all the way around.


So on tuesday Natalie did her lemonade stand.
15+ dollars in less than an hour :)
She is to cute. 
My lovely friends came and bought lemonade.
sooo thank you
that one kid..

She was embarrassed to yell out that she was selling lemonade.
But she finally got the guts to do it. 
And she got lots of customers. 
She's my best little buddy :)

Then Kayla, Alecc, Brett, that one kid, Stevo & I
Went to bridal veil!
I love that place so much!
We climbed up the waterfall and everything
Alecc peed in the water..ew
We brought jenny along and she somewhat got tuned :)
And Alecc gives thee worst piggy back rides ever.
Just for the record. 
Kayla is so funny.
And so is Brett.
And that one kid is scared of water.
So he didn't climb up the water fall
But it was a blast.

Then we chilled in my street
And my mamma freaked out..
Alecc and I played Slide..we're cool.
But then i was in trouble annndd..
that wasn't so cool
But it was a good night anyways


So on Monday last week I went for an amazing hike with Bronwen.
I blogged about this earlier..but I didn't say to much about it.
We got together around ten and hiked up the canyon
for about an hour and a half..wow.
It was so gorgeous in the canyon, and it was so peaceful.
It was kind of hot though at first and I was out of breath in the first five minutes
(which was super pathetic)
But all in all it was great, and I really enjoyed it.
We had a great talk about..so many things. I think that hikes
are great and I love that I have the canyon
literally five minutes walk away from my house. 
It's like an adventure in my backyard.

Then when I got home, Natalie and I made cookies
and lemonade from real lemons.
I promised her on Sunday that we would do a lemonade stand
so we got everything ready for it.
We made chocolate chip cookies and made thee biggest flour mess ever!
Natalie decided that throwing flour was fun soo...by the time we were done making cookies
we were covered in flour. And Natalie was soaking wet.
I told her if she threw flour again I'd soak her with the hose..
and she threw flour one more time..haha :)
By the time we were done making lemonade and cookies though,
it was too late to do a lemonade stand and we were about to 
celebrate Ryebreads birthday so we decided we'd do it tomorrow instead,
(Pictures to come)

For Ryans birthday
Hannah and Grandma & Grandpa Roberts came up.
And we had yummy steak
and a really yummy chocolate cake for dessert.

My grandparents are super funny..and i love them :)

This week I...

-went for a hike with Bronwen
-had a flour fight with Natalie
-did cookie & lemonade making with Natalie
-Finally did her lemonade stand
-Went to bridal veil with Brett, Alecc & Kayla.
-Played in the rain storm
(i woke up to thunder, played in the rain & watched lightening)
-Made S'mores in my trash can
-Moved Hannah back in @ 2 in the morning
-Went to Clayt's homecoming.
-Slept on the roof again with Sar
-Attempted to do karaoke at gurus
-Went and saw Charlie St. Cloud and happy sumo with Hannah
-Tasted this piece of heaven called Sub zero ice cream.
-Threw a Surprise birthday party for ryan!
- And Worked with kayla, Mal, & Sam..and it was a party

It was a good week, and I'll blog about all this and more tomorrow..
It is 1:15 in the morning and I am ready for bed. Goodnight :)

Summer Weeks

Before I continue getting everything blogged about that I have on my "to blog about list"
Let me just say that during the summer time meshes together.
Weeks just blur together and time is lost so easily.
And remembering when things happened can be difficult at times,
Because in the summer I have no sense of time. 
Really I don't think anyone does.
It just one long mesh of everything.
I love it.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Clayt Is Home!

My cousin Sir Clayt just got back from his mission! He went to Kentucky :) So all my family on the Fuller side went and listened to Clayts homecoming talk and ate food and just loved being together. Hannah came and met the Fuller side for the first time. We introduces her as our sister we adopted from Russia.. My Gramma almost believed it. Rob & Zack we're shooting eachother with a nerf gun..typical. Both of them got shot in the eye. We tried to get the nerf bullet thingy to stick to the back of Robs shiny bald head..So funny. We all decided Auntie Teresa might possibly be abusive to Rob.. :) So classic. I love my family get togethers. Little kids everywhere, tons of food, just being with the people you love. Here's A couple Pictures.

I asked Anja to scratch my back..Like i was scratching hers
She took a hammer to it instead :) 
I like Natalie's face in this & how Lu's hand is up Hannah's Shirt.
Priceless. I love my fam.

Devon Givin Aleasha Some Lovin

Hannah & I getting our backs scratched..kind of.
Anja hasn't got the hang of it yet.

I love this picture of my dear cousin, I missed him.
So happy to have him home :)

Listen to Smile Today

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