Friday, August 27, 2010

To my future husband (things you should know) : )

  1. i love adventures..
  2. when i like a song i play it over and over until my mind is satisfied.
  3. i always need a steady supply of juice in the house.
  4. back scratches are a must..i'm addicted to them.
  5. i love the little things like sweet kisses, or little notes, holding hands :)
  6. i love to dance in the you might have to come dance in the rain with me
  7. i love going on outside walks at night.
  8. i love looking at the stars
  9. i think it would be the most wonderful thing if you could play the guitar..
  10. i love the sound of the guitar 
  11. i want a sunflower kitchen..and i want a garden.
  12. a soft yellow home with blue shutters and sunflowers growing in the front. a white picket fence.
  13. i want a horse and a boat and a motorcycle
  14. i love going to the park.
  15. i can cook so don't be scared
  16. i may or may not need a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen when i'm having a hard time.
  17. i adore kids..and want lots
  18. church is a exceptions..
  19. complete and total honesty in all things is required. 
  20. i want my kids to have a daddy who is there for his kids 100% of the time. 
  21. family is number one :)
  22. please be optimistic
  23. and i hope you'll want to have adventures with me, and want to dance with me, and watch the city lights with me..
  24. be a go getter. a doer 
  25. education is a must as well.
  26. you need to want to have fun and lots of it.
  27. please be sweet and caring in all situations.
  28. don't get angry..i hate tempers..they are worthless and terrible.
  29. love my family
  30. and lastly? love me forever till the end of time, even when we're old and gray. never stop being sweet never stop the kisses or the back scratches or holding my hand..
let's be so in love it couldn't ever possibly fade.
lets be like the couple in Up
always in love till forever and beyond.

Ps..In my wedding ring..i want you to engrave something on the inside of the band..
something sweet and true and lovely.
something you would say to me
that would mean everything
thats all


  1. :) love your new blog layout. and that's really sweet. the intimidating part would be being the same girl back. for me anyways haha

  2. This is a really good list. You should be able to find someone who will be this wonderful!

    I love you!!!


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