Friday, August 27, 2010


Oh gosh it's coming up.
In one week exactly i will be moving to Idaho.
And to tell the truth I'm scared out of my  mind...
Really i am. 

I feel like..i should be super super excited.
I mean it's college right?
yay college! freedom! On your own!
yatta yatta yatta...blah blah blah.!

I love where i am right now! I love being with my family and my best friends.
I love having them so close. Its very comforting.
I think..i'm still to young to be on my own.
It's nerve racking!

I may or may not have cried a bunch yesterday 
just because i don't want to go.

But chin up nicole! 
it will be fun and i know i will love it..
eventually :)

Just like when i moved to Utah.
I am gonna just jump right into my new adventure.
even though i;m so scared.

It will be ok.
no worries


  1. You can do it, Nicole :) You'll be back in no time at all. Love ya!

  2. i'm scared too cola.
    we'll be ok :)

  3. I adore your new blog design.

    I adore you.

    I totally remember these feelings, and looking back, I wish I had been able to enjoy the moment more, but I couldn't because I was swallowed by the fear. You are so much braver than I have ever been, so I know you'll be OK.

    I HAVE to see you before you go. And I will miss you so. I'm already crying.



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