Monday, August 9, 2010


Wednesday..was so spectacular in every way.
There was a REAL rainstorm.
Thunder, lightening, rain
everything :)
I was so happy I almost peed.
I don't think anyone really gets how much i love the rain.
I was on my roof just dancing in the rain.
Watching the lightening
Listening to the booming thunder.
I was so happy.
I probably looked like an insane person.
Dancing laughing and smiling just getting drenched my the rain.
Words can't even describe..

I love the rain so much.

When the storm did finally let up
my buddies came over
and we made s'mores.
It was so fun.

Just an amazing night all the way around.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds WONDERFUL. I adore and love rain too. Like really, sooooo much. It sounds like you have lots of parties on your roof, and my dear- I want in on the next one :) haha


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