Saturday, August 14, 2010

Boating Again :)

On Thursday my family went boating.
And it was grand. :)
Bronwen came to.
And it was a party.

The day before we tried to do a boating trip
but our boat died..
because our mechanic forgot to put in a part when he was
rebuilding the carb.
Well we got it fixed!
So we went boating the next day.

Here's some pics

Our tube is huge..

Bronwen & I

Bronwens cool henna toes

On the tube!

Almost falling off..but i didn't :)

Natalie joined us :)

Tube master!

My mama skiin

My papi

Pirate ship!

We feed ducks and stuff 

I just really like this picture..I think it looks great

My sister we found out is a seductive mermaid
Bronwen slightly sounds like an old lady on the tube.
Natalie is just hyper all the time.
I got sun burned
Bronwen & I had one wipe out that was great
We got lots of air and it threw me forward over the tube
and i was stradling the tube for a bit..that was interesting haha
My grnadparents came to
It was a fun day

When we got home we went to DI and found some gems
"This one has says..rawr"

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