Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ode To The Training Table

So i have worked at "The Training Table" for about two years now..and can i just's a shady place :)

  • A while ago..our old manager dear old Jeffers got busted for drugs and stealing money..he was doing drug dealings on company time and drugs in the bathrooms....
  • There was this one guy who stalked the "counter girls" who work at the training table..we ended up having to get a restraining order..
  • If you walk in the employee side door..the smell of that little area when you first walk currently smells just not quite right..
  • Some of the counters are held together with...tape! 
  • We've had the toilets get clogged...on oh so many occasions
  • Then once upon a time..there was a water leak above the mens restroom..yes..the ceiling fell out.
  • There isn't much chance for hours or a pay raise..hope you like minimum wage!!
  • Today this guy just waltzed in the back door..and asked where his friend Ian (an employee) no we don't lock the back doors soo if you wanna come in and rob us? yes you can..
  • But hey, our food isn't that bad at all, i mean last week a hobo was digging in our trash cans..
So to all who love the Training Table?
hope i haven't killed it for ya
it really isn't terrible.
just a slight bit shady.

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