Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Worst Dream Ever!

I had a dream last night that Paul didn't love me or want to talk to me.
He didn't want anything to do with me.
He told me something along the lines of it just doesn't work with us anymore.
I tried talking to him in my dream and he wouldn't say all.
Except to not talk to him.

I woke up and grabbed my phone to call/text him and...then reality kicked in.
That was almost as bad as the dream, all i wanted was to talk to him and make sure he
didn't hate me anymore and i wanted to hear him say something other than go away.

After a few seconds I realized it was just a dream and Paul wasn't here and that I couldn't talk to him.

Sigh...that was poop. Hopefully I get a letter soon. That would be nice :)

Stupid dream..nightmare..lame subconscious..

1 comment:

  1. Total nightmare. Totally NOT true. Did you notice how many times in his letter to ME he told me to tell you how much he loves you?!!

    Hang in there!!!



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