Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ooohhh I Love Those Little Kids :)

Well i am officially a primary teacher :)
I love it so much!

Some funny quotes from my little rascals?

"beeee woooo aahhhh wooopppp laaa eehhh aahhh....I sound just like R2-D2 don't I?" -Christian

"My mom told me to poke Ian when he's not being reverent..i have to!" -Christian

"is it coooolllloooorrriiinnggg time yeeeeettt?! i am soooo bored i just need to color.." -Sadie

"Is that a secret door!? ..Can i open it?" -Cyra

"My dad is aaaallllwwayyys gone! He sleeps at the airport and everything!" -Seth

Our Primary president was asking the junior primary what they can do for their daddy's for fathers day and she gave the suggestion that maybe we could help clean our houses and that it would make our daddy's happy. Then Christian leans over to me and says "Oh my dad doesn't care at all..our house is a mess!"

We were coloring in class today and Hannah (she was visiting) decided to pass out her markers and share. Before she passed any of her markers out, she looked at everyone and said "Now you get whatcha get and you don't throw a fit!"

"My name is Hannah. H-A-N-N-A-H...yeah its a palindrome.." -Hannah

Oh how i love being a primary teacher. I will add to this post every time they say something funny :) which is all the time!
-Some other events that happen in our class

Ian is trying to take off his shirt...i tell him to put it back on, so he does, backwards. Looks and me and gives me the biggest smile. Then i tell him to put it on right and so he switches it forwards and puts his arms in the opposite holes..eventually we got it right :)

Last week Seth, Ian, Sam, and Christian decided they were power rangers..there was much punching and kicking.

Last week in class time Seth and christian sat together.. Seth took Christians tie and threw it, so when Christian thought us teachers weren't looking he punches Seth right in the mouth and adds.."don't you throw my tie"

Oh the joys :)

1 comment:

  1. haha you're so great with kids
    and ya, you're class is hilarious
    maybe i'll come sit in on it sometime :)


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