Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tiger Mcfluffykins

So yesterday i was playing with my dear friends TJ, Kayla and Scotty.
TJ,  Kayla and i went hiking up rock canyon in the rain and it was so nice!
I splashed through the creek in my bare feet, rain falling on my head and lighting filling the sky :)
I don't think i could have been happier.

(P.S. Interesting fitting three people in kayla's two seater truck..especially when one person is..6'5)

Then we all went to rock canyon bowl and met up with Scotty and we played Frisbee. and we also found this little kitty..THEE cutest little guy! TJ wanted to name him tigger...but i changed it..because tigger doesn't fit him..and he didn't like it either. He is so playful and fun, i've seen him at the park before..and seems like he just lives there..well its been raining a lot and i thought i'd take this cute little guy home. so he wouldn't have to rough it out in the rain. And he has just been loving it here! last night he slept with me. He is thee biggest cuddle bug. He also purs sooooo loud and he loves to curl up in my hair...I put up this ad on KSL..but no calls yet. So if you want him? He's yours.

Funny part of the story? I'm hiding him in my parents would shoot me if they knew he was here...
I kinda threw him in my window last night..and he's been a refugee in my room ever since :)

Pictures are to come.

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